Are you FEELING helpless, hopeless and overwhelmed about the devastation going on in the world?
How about a little pick me up to get you through today and hopefully tomorrow too?
I’ve got you!
I hope that these cards bring a smile to your face, even if only for 30 seconds. Even 5 seconds would be a win for you and the people around you.
Please try your best to feel what you need to feel AND tJen life your head high, pray for peace, and send your light out to all of the dark places in this world.
Hate and anger does not beat hate.
Only love can pierce through the intensity of hate.
The world needs your spark, the world needs your optimism, the world needs your loving passion to find a way forward.
i hope that these pick me up cards help to light the flame inside of you, so that together, we can pierce through this darkness ✨🔥 💡
i have 150 boxes that i would love to gift to anyone who needs some extra support right now. Allow yourself to receive some love, some light from those that currently have it so that we can share the light.
Light is the only thing that grows when shared! So keep on giving and watch your light get bigger bigger and bigger! ✨✨✨✨